Pre-Historical Jewel, Urfa

Witness the mix of historical, traditional and cultural beauties with The City of Prophets, URFA that has the oldest religious shrine, hosted some prophets, the oldest university and known to be the city of variety in gastronomy and musical evenings. Having a glorious start to widen our perspective to the human history and the dawn of civilization with Gobeklitepe which is, 12 thousand years old, the oldest religious shrine of the World. For the valuable contribution to the understanding humanity, Gobeklitepe was inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage List. One of the traditional merits of Urfa, Local Turkish Nights and its enthusiastic music will provide the most optimum local ambience for our guests. A mystic place to visit Harran Ovasi which has been widely known to be the place where Adam and Eve lived, Abraham visited with interesting adobe houses in various forms. Another unique destination is Balikligol which takes an important place for monotheistic religions. For falling love with an amazing city view, we will stop by Urfa Castle which was found on the historical temples. Ulu Mosque which can be named as the symbol building of the city will be our other destination. As an optional, Historical Gumruk Han and Old Bazaar will be the other historical places worth to see to enjoy our tour.